Details of Snow Block apartment elevator’s continued breakdown after a month
Breakdown of Snow Block apartment elevator after a month
According to the available reports about the breakdown of the elevator in the Snow Block apartment, this situation has been going on for about a month. Snow Block Apartments board member Elizabeth Bridgewater detailed the elevator failure in an email Thursday evening.
He said: “The elevator cables in Snow Block must be completely replaced by the elevator installation company. The other ordered parts will reach us within the next few days and the repair and reconstruction of the elevator will begin.”
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He said: “During the breakdown of the building’s elevator, we moved the residents who had mobility problems to a room on the ground floor of one of the hotels in the city.” that they don’t have a problem doing their daily work.”
Although it has been about a month since the elevator broke down, the residents of this apartment still have to wait for the elevator to be repaired and restarted. Some officials say: “We are looking for solutions to solve this problem as soon as possible.”
Translator: Naeeme Goli